Plan Uploader - ProCalc

Plan Uploader

The plan uploader allows you to upload plans into ProCalc so you can then do take offs on screen.

It saves time and supports accuracy because it eliminates keying errors while placing ‘safety rails’ on the way you use ProCalc because it’s more systemised.

Plans should:

>Be combined into one PDF document

>Not exceed 25MB (so you may need to edit or reduce the file size if they are larger than that)

Please note: once the plans have been uploaded, they cannot be changed.

If you wish to load a new set of plans, please start a new report (under the same project)

If you wish to rotate plans, you will need to edit them before they’re uploaded to ProCalc

Trouble Shooting:

If you’ve followed the steps above and still have problems, edit/delete the pages in the PDF not required by ProCalc to make the file size smaller, then re-load.

If you have plans on individual pages (rather than one plan set) you will need to join them together by using a free tool such as pdf joiner OR asking the author of the plans to provide them in line with industry norms, as one plan set.

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