5 Warning Signs Mistrust is Killing Your Sales

If clients don’t trust you, they’re unlikely to engage your services. Here are 5 signs to look for – and what to do.


Builders have a wealth of knowledge about projects meaning they have mountains of expertise compared to the average client.

But before a client can receive your help, they need to know they can trust you. Here are some of the warning signs they don’t:

  1. They insist on speaking to loads of builders

Clients typically shop the job around when they’re not sure they fully understand what their project’s worth and whether they’ve yet found their ideal builder.

Helping them understand the value of the job and your expertise is crucial to help them select your firm.

The fix: Showcase your expertise in your first meeting by providing a report. Download a project review template you can use to charge a small fee for this meeting.

2. Clients become stuck, go silent or can’t seem to progress

When a client halts the process, it’s often because they don’t have sufficient information to move forward.

It’s an evolutionary behaviour that’s served our ancestors well: if in doubt, hesitate.

The fix: Educate them with newsletters, infographics, information about your business and social proof (testimonials & case studies). Importantly, answer their questions because they have many.

If you want to offer a project review report, you can charge for this in your first meeting and this template is designed to give client all the information they need to move forward.

3. Clients asking a stream of continual questions

When a client just can’t stop asking questions, it’s a good indicator that they lack confidence to move forward.

The fix: Think of all the questions clients have asked you over the years and answer them in an infographic (use this template) or FAQ’s pack. Send it to them early so they can read up and better understand your expert process.

4. Your margins are constantly under competitive pressure

If you feel like you’re constantly fighting off competitors on price, you haven’t yet sufficiently differentiated your offering. Or you’re fishing in the wrong pond.

The fix: Check if this market is really the right one for you. Could you specialise in a particular kind of project or segment your market differently so you’re solving a specific client pain point?

When you re-position your service this way, you often free yourself from heavy price competition. Find a market you can make your own – be the specialist.

Also, use ProCalc reports to educate clients about market rates. Take a free ProCalc trial

5. Clients don’t seem to value your advice – despite your expertise

This is often a sign that your being used as a price checker, rather than a genuine candidate.

The fix: Build trust with clients by having them pay for the first engagement (including a project review report)

Also see:

Trusted Expert or Just Another Builder? and

How (& Why) to Charge for Your First Meeting

Book a free ProCalc Trial

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Richard Armstrong is a former registered builder who recently interviewed hundreds of experienced Australian builders to identify how they best manage clients, budgets and profitability.