One Big Idea to take the sleaze out of selling - ProCalc

One Big Idea to take the sleaze out of selling

Most builders never knew they’d have to “sell” the services to have a successful business. If you’re looking for a more natural, respectable way to explain how you work to clients – read on…


If you’re like most builders, you never expected you needed to be a salesperson, singing your own praises to customers.

In fact, for most builders it can feel unnatural, awkward and even downright sleazy.

But, talking to hundreds of builders, we’ve identified one HUGE idea that helps builders convey their worth to clients without selling their soul.

Hint: It begins with understanding the client’s problems and creating a solution to it.

This short article steps you through a proven process that clients love.

Best of all it’s not selling.

It’s more about helping the client.

So, let’s start in the right place – the clients needs, anxieties & perceptions.

Most clients don’t realise it but they’re totally unprepared for the journey they’re about to start.

Uninformed, fearful of being ripped off and wanting everything to be a breeze, clients have heard some horror stories and can come to the table with quite a bit of baggage – and apprehension.

Trying to promote your services to a person with this mindset can be a TOTAL nightmare.

Especially, if you feel that selling isn’t your strength.

You might not like it, believe in it or want to do it. That’s OK because it’s not for everyone.

So, here is one single idea that changes the game.

Don’t ever sell your services to people. Instead, JUST try to help them fix the problem they’re trying to solve.

To do that, ask them what they want to achieve, what their fears are, why are they taking on the project and what their ideal outcome would be.

You just ask them questions and then help them solve their problems….that’s it.

You’re specially positioned to do this because you’re a builder and you have the technical skillset to make it happen for them. You have a wealth of experience to guide them on the journey.

To make it even less salesy, offer them a first meeting review of their project that they pay you $99-$499 to complete.

That way, you’re culling out poor quality clients and positioning yourself as the expert.

If you’d like step by step process to do this see how in this short video/article

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Richard Armstrong is a former registered builder who recently interviewed hundreds of experienced Australian builders to identify how they best manage clients, budgets and profitability.